Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Voters SAY NO to CA Special Election Propostions

A voter has an entire row of booths to choose from in the basement of City Hall in San Francisco, Calif., on Tuesday, May 19, 2009. (Paul Chinn / The Chronicle)

It's official; California voters say no to 5 out of 6 ballot measures in the special election ballot tonight, in one of the most lowest voter turnout elections in a while. 

In terms of schools, this will mean more budget cuts in schools. Ironically, I'm glad people said no to these propositons: CA education is getting worse, and while I acknowledge that California's education DOES need money, having random propositions like these (i.e. Prop 1B - $9 billion to schools starting in 2011-2012; Prop 1C - the state borrows lottery money to pay for school) is are just temporary fixes, not permanent solutions.

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